Stylist Spotlight: Amy's Fall Fashion Must-Haves

Stylist Amy in her favorite fall fashion

One of the very few certainties in the upcoming months is that fall is on the horizon. It will begin to get dark earlier, evenings will get cooler, the leaves will start to turn and I will reluctantly (ok, I lied- happily) put away my flip flops. That was my attempt at being poetic while what I really want to say is Yay for fall fashion!!!

I have always been vocal about my absolute love of fall clothing. My perfect uniform would be to pair a blazer with every outfit and to wear a different pair of boots every day of the week!

There is nothing more wonderful than a big cozy sweater, unless it’s a thinner sweater that I can layer under my blazer. I find that I am able to be more creative as there are endless ways to wear things and you have so many more options simply because of the fundamental need to wear more clothing to keep warm.

Despite the uncertainty and fear stemming from the current world we live in, I still find simple pleasures and joy in fashion. There’s only so much I can control right now, but I can make a small effort that could have a slightly larger affect on both my psyche and that of others when we wear something that makes us feel good.

So, here’s a list of my personal fall must haves, along with what the industry has identified as being the top trends of the season.

Definitely- Must Have Fall Trends

Woman wearing light brown leather jacket.


Black tonal outfit

Tonal Dressing

Woman wearing chain necklace.

Chains & Hoops

Maybe- Fall Trends To Use Sparingly

Woman wearing stylish plaid outfit.


Woman wearing black fringe jeans.


Woman wearing tan printed sweater.

Patterns + Prints

Stylist Amy looking through a closet.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to say hello or to ask a fashion question or anything. I hope you’re all healthy and doing well.
Stay safe and stylish.

xo Amy


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