4 Ways to Save Time Organizing Your Accessories


It’s the best feeling when you know exactly what you have and where to find it. It allows you to take the stress out of getting dressed while saving you both time and money. It makes getting ready for your day easy and effortless, EVERY TIME! Just like your clothes, your accessories should be arranged in a way that makes it easy to find them, but they can be especially challenging to keep organized. Here are our go-to organizing tips for your jewelry, scarves, handbags and shoes.

Organize Your Jewelry

  • Keep jewelry dust free and in great condition by storing it in easy to find containers.

  • Delicate necklaces often do better hanging so that they don’t end up tangled! We like acrylic organizers because of their sleekness and they help prevent knots/tangles.

  • Organize everything in categories that make the most sense to you: by color or style.

  • If you prefer having all your jewelry in one place, try investing in a nicer box that has a section for rings, earrings and all your bracelets

  • When traveling, put jewelry specific to an outfit in a Ziploc bag, make a hole with a hole punch and hang bag on hanger with outfit. Not only will it not get tangled in your bag, but you will know exactly what you packed for each outfit!

Organize Your Scarves

  • There are dozens of ways to organize your scarves without having to fold them up in a drawer, which is probably the least effective way to store them! Buy a specific scarf hanger so that you can easily see what you’re working with.

  • Shoe organizers work really well for scarves since they are usually clear and you’ll be able to see the exact pattern and color of each scarf.

  • If you love DIY, instal a towel rack in your closet where you can loop each scarf through.

Organize Your Handbags

  • If you decide to use a dust bag to store some of your purses, one tip is using a post-it note, or something that can stick to the bag, on the front to write out exactly what bag it is, that way when you are going through trying to find the right bag, you can just look at the front and don’t have to take each one out.

  • Consolidate! If space is an issue for you, start by putting bags into other bags. This also helps the larger bags keep their shape since they wont be droopy with nothing in them.

  • Getting a cubby organizer is a great way to help your bags stay upright and organized if you have the space. The bonus here is that multiple clutches can all be put into one cubby. If you don’t like the look of cubbies, but have the closet space, try hanging them towards the back of your closet so that you can easily get to them.

  • If your bags don’t come with dust bags, not a problem. The Container Store sells them in all different sizes!

Organize Your Boots & Shoes

  • Boots should be stored for spring/summer in boxes with boot trees in them so that they keep their shape. If you don’t want to buy the boot trees, use old magazines or swimming pool noodles cut up to be placed in the boots. Both are cheap, effective and easy!

  • You can buy boot shapers from places like Amazon and the Container Store which has them in varying sizes for your different boot heights!

  • If you live in a climate like New England where you change your wardrobe with the seasons you want to be sure to repair, mend and polish your shoes and boots before storing them. Then they will be fresh and ready to wear when the next season rolls around!

Once your accessories are organized, it’s time to create outfits! Work with us to help you update and express your style through simple accessories. Then, we’ll help you store photos of your complete outfits, making dressing and packing simple everyday!